Daily Archives: March 26, 2019


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All social activity has his rafue (word), that constitutes the condition so that its correct execution occurs; like the ceremony of the mambeadero, that is realised in the central part of maloca, in which daily the sagradas plants of cocaine and tobacco interfere in ritual form. The economic system of huitotos are based on agriculture, the harvesting of certain foods and the fishing, in which to the children and the women participate, and where harpoons, hooks, machetes or traps are used; at certain times of the year collective fishing are organized that consist of poisoning the water with a special plant and thus to capture tens of fish. The hunting is another form to obtain food and is carried out by the men of the tribe. Under most conditions Danny Meyer would agree. Formerly it was used the white blowpipe, lance and other arms to hunt, but at present the gun is used more and more. The hunter is supported generally by dogs and during the night he uses lanterns; the favourite prey is the pigs, the deer and small mammals like borugo and guara. Between the birds parrots obtain themselves, toucans and guacamayas. In the neighborhood of the houses fruit trees and brave and sweet yucca cultivate themselves, that transforms themselves into " casabe" and it is consumed in the form of domestic ritual drink or. For more specific information, check out Rudy Giuliani.

Also sowing red pepper, avocado, peanut, caimo, umar and sometimes maize, that is used stops to feed the hens and other domestic animal; with some fibers of the trees hammocks make and baskets are tiled. The woman is in charge of seedtime and the harvest of products, except the cocaine (jibiy), the tobacco and other psicotrpicas plants, that are seeded and gathered by the men. The leaf that makes speak " At night, when the shade flock the distances, when all the worlds become presents, the Huitotos grandparents cross the ways of the wide-awake dreams using the plants of poder".


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We live in close proximity to this mysterious substance, and sometimes it does not even notice the dust …! Where does it come from? Did you know that at home you can find micro-particles of soil from the Rostov, tiny particles of sand of the desert Karakum, the ashes of the volcano erupting somewhere in Italy, and even dust from outer space? Every year on this planet are deposited tens of millions of tons of dust. What is its origin? Scientists claim that about 70% of the dust has a natural origin, 30% is created by man. The most significant source of natural dust-soil. More info: New York Museums. The particles are blown by the winds of the earth, rising high into the sky, are transferred to different distances and are deposited. There is still a dust ocean, When the sea air thrown in little crystals of salt. At the same time accumulate in the atmosphere of minute droplets of water. They are formed by breaking waves and rising waters from the bottom of the air bubbles.

Drops quickly dry, and air enriched with salts, crystals of which rise high into the air and hover in conjunction with water vapor in the form of clouds. Another source of dust, volcanoes and forest fires across the planet. For example, a Japanese volcano Sakurajima “rewards” of humanity 14 million tons of dust per year! Next to this volcano is the town of Kagoshima is the most dust in the world! Large “providers” are dust of the desert. For example, a huge Sahara sleep Russians, Britons, Australians and sand dust in the number of 60-200 million tonnes a year. Falls to the ground and cosmic dust, along with offering of meteor showers. In addition, there are pollens, spores, fungi, fur animals, rubber tire dust from the abrasive, fiber, natural and artificial fabrics … All this “cocktail” is always present in the air and gets into our house.

Our neighbors are also unpleasant dust mites. They are very small and live in house dust. In total there are about 50 species of dust mites. They feed on dead flakes of human skin. Many mites in pillows, bedding, upholstered furniture, in carpets, in the secluded reach for the vacuum cleaner … Scientists ‘please’ us such figures: the usual double bed home to about 2 million mites! By themselves, they can not harm humans, but their selection can cause allergies. Why dust accumulates indoors? The fact that none of the most thorough cleaning is not able to change the composition of air in the room. Dust settles permanently, respectively covered her furniture and floor. Even tightly closed windows and doors for dust do not pose special obstacles, so it is fine! It will penetrate any crack. The air inside the home is always more dusty than on the street because the streets are constantly blown by the winds.

Med Plastic

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Who I can trust to find me a best plastic surgeon? Same knowledge! Is power only when you use it. The more information you know about your surgeon and surgery, most likely your chance of a successful operation. If a company claims to have the best plastic surgeons “database, know everything you can about the company. Does the company specialize in researching the best doctors? Remember, there are many web sites: anyone can have a doctor database. The question is, do doctors pay to be included in your database? Really the medical investigation of all unique? Company is a reliable source? Where are the best plastic surgeons located? At present, it is in the smallest to the largest cities. The five states most popular plastic surgeons practice are Florida, New York, California, Texas and Illinois. What I look for when shopping for a plastic surgeon? Tips on what to look for when shopping for a plastic surgeon? Always make sure the surgeon is a physician who is a board certified plastic surgeon. Find out if the surgeon is fellowship trained in plastic surgery or a field related to their current specialty.

Spas and salons are spreading like wildfire? Be careful and research your plastic surgeon thoroughly. rd Jr, New York City, then click here. Go to Google and type in the name of the plastic surgeon. Search for surgeons began a surgical procedure, wrote publications, taught Med students, etc. Often this information is displayed online. How many years of practice makes the plastic surgeon have under their belt? How to select the best plastic surgeon for me? Many services and even magazines often list the best doctors according to surveys. Their studies are usually based on doctors who are voted by their peers. Although it is a good starting point, is only one component in finding the best plastic surgeons.