Daily Archives: April 22, 2019

The Person

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Of course, all dogs have highly developed senses of smell and the heard, but so that a dog can be a good rescuer has to meet certain additional requirements. Firstly, the search and rescue dog has to be agile and strong enough to withstand the difficulties of the work performed. For this reason, Beijing, Maltese, chihuahuas and other small dogs usually do not be used in these tasks, preferring the larger breeds. On the other hand, dogs should not be so large as to which its size even more hindered rescue tasks. A very large dog can represent a major difficulty when it is necessary to do so to descend into abseiling or when to move in helicopters and small boats. By this, they also often used giant as the St. Bernard or great Dane breed. However, the exception to this rule occurs when dogs need much power to hold or drag people, as it is the case with some lifeguard dogs.

In these cases, large breeds as the Newfoundland that has enough strength to swim while a human subject is used to your harness. Search and rescue dogs must also have an exceptional motivation for searching prolonged even under the most unfavourable conditions. This is why you prefer those dogs who have a highly developed momentum of prey and are obsessed with finding the victim to be able to get your reward. Last, but not least, all search and rescue dog has to be well socialized with people and other animals. You will also need to be accustomed to stressful situations, such as the presence of many people around, explosions, shouts, etc. In short, any dog can be used for search and rescue provided that it meets the above requirements and you have received a high-level training. Specialties of canine search and rescue today, search and rescue dogs can be classified into different groups according to the tasks to which they are specialists.

The two main groups correspond to the tracking dogs and dogs from venting. Dogs of tracking, as its name indicates it, follow the trace of a person from point A to point B. These dogs need a starting point and not contaminated clothing of the person ranging to search. They are used to find lost people and can also be used to find fugitives, although in the latter case are usually dogs not dogs of SAR teams and police. Dogs of venting are seeking the human scent that is in the air, without following one person in particular. These dogs are specialists in finding people buried by landslides, people buried by avalanches, corpses of drowned people, human evidence at scenes of crimes, etc.


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Diets do not work equally for all people because there are no two identical people with identical stories and experiences impacting identically on their bodies. Weight loss is something that the body can make: many people slim many times in life. Instead, maintaining the ideal weight is something that achieve only some: that made gala of emotional strength, and a clear vision of what you are looking for. Many people looking for weight loss fail over and over again without realizing much of what they need to succeed is to educate their emotions and modify the way in which focus the project. There are currently coaching services that meet this need for information, exercise and emotional education to ensure an effective self-help and the choice of the proper diet. Diets do not work when they do not contemplate the individual as a whole; When are based on issues of chemistry in the calorie count. Do not work the diets when they rest in the force of will, when they promote the discipline, the self-control, excessively rigorous ascetic spirit.

These rigidities so difficult to maintain will break sooner or later. Or left, for any balance, a person off, sad, sacrificed, devoid of energy, someone who has lost the taste for life because he has not lost the appetite or the pleasure of eating. In what fattening is the emocion.com offers a quite novel online coaching service. (Details here) It combines the power of thought with emotional energies that promote the proactive attitude. They teach auto – assist in the excitement with the Bach flowers. As you progress in the offered coaching practices, not takes the practitioner to recognize the crucial importance make comments appropriate to keep their emotions in this dynamic balance thanks to which slimming treatment will be successful.Correcting flaws in their thinking, himself going becoming their main support which will help you to choose the appropriate treatment, to act in a reasonable manner.