Monthly Archives: April 2019

Napoleon Hill

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You’ve not been able to exit the vagueness, the lack of definition, you continue in imprecision. Danny Meyer is full of insight into the issues. But if you really want to know how to achieve success you must respect it. The pain that today you live in certain aspects of life by a present in which your dreams are still distant It is because some time ago you violas this precise law. Here must arise in you a deep conviction: my future depends on that once and for all begin to define exactly what they really want! As well as your current present is the future of continuous violations of this act carried out in the past, you will have to start today to accept the validity of this Act specifying, accurately defining your dreams. Failure to do so implies accepting future failure! Dedication of time and effort this law is really demanding, and requires a continuous dedication of time and effort from you. As success does not allow that you can think of your goals from time to time, when you feel good, how much you have desire and pretend that you are living according to the law, that attitude will take you to failure. An agenda, photos of your dreams, description of dates, allocation of quantities, will be filling your written records, perhaps your videos, your thoughts on audio, ultimately you will need to have a history that shows that you respect the importance of the Precision in the objectives. You can perform this task in an amateur way, more or less according to what you find or you can choose to professionalize the management of your dreams learning targeting techniques. Your readings, your workshop, your courses, your videos, will demonstrate that you’ve taken you seriously the task of giving an accurate and above all content that respect this wonderful law generally ignored and neglected by the vast majority of people. Video Precision at the goals if I really want to know how to achieve success sign of your commitment will be complete this reading with this video about the laws of success based on the work of Napoleon Hill which you can access right now by clicking on this link: as having successful original author and source of the article

The Use

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In addition, if its well written articles, appear repeatedly in many web sites, Internet users will come to recognize and appreciate their knowledge and that recognition of their work will make it possible, desire to access more or wanting to buy more. 4. The use of articles directories allows you, promote their articles and promotion continue to grow. For example, if a webmaster promotes his article and other webmasters see their article and also enough like to use it on your site, then there is a voice, it can take four or five more destinations and so on. 5. Then how your article will take traffic to your web site? It is fairly simple.

Be sure to add a biography and place a hyperlink to your site. Having the webmasters added his biography and a link to your website along with your article, Internet users can learn a little about you and know exactly where to find more of his work, if they are interested. If the readers enjoy what they read, a simple click on the hyperlink, will immediately lead you to your site and increase your web traffic. 6. Thanks to articles directories, webmasters can establish links with popular web sites and earn more traffic based on these web sites that have become partners.

There are many popular sites, literally reaching 100,000 views per month and more. This again will cause exponentially grow traffic to your web site 7. Articles directories provide easy solutions for webmasters in search of content. Let us be realistic, webmasters don’t always feel creative or they always have free time they need to create Web content. Moreover, the webmasters are always looking for content so it matches the topic of their sites and their articles can choose articles directory to help you meet your need. 8. With the directories of articles, will immediately improve the popularity of links, which also increases your site’s ranking in search engines. Think of it, more links on the Internet that point to your website, the higher the ranking of your page. Therefore, with his articles published all over the Internet, not only will gain popularity in your area, if not that also the ranking and popularity in the search engines noticeably improve. 9 Articles directories will allow you to send articles that are relevant and well written. In addition, being its well informative articles, more than one reader will become his follower. Therefore, this interest aroused by your reader will make to return again and again to see their new publications. 10. Finally, after having aroused the attention of the readers, using articles directories, you will need to do everything possible to keep the expectations of them well covered. The easier and more efficient way to maintain the interest of the Viewer is continue writing new articles with fresh content and publish them in articles directories. Following these guidelines, it is that you as a webmaster, you can get the maximum benefit, use articles directories on a regular and constant. Original author and source of the article.

Painting Oil

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Man in their constant development, has been developing skills and tastes by many things that do see their tendencies and their sensitivity, allowing to explore new fields of great beauty and between those beautiful activities that man has made that have allowed to develop his sensitive side, displayed art in its different forms, that their variety and beautiful samples of good taste have won a great place in society. Referring to the art speaks of a large group of activities and techniques, but among all these excellent ways of doing art excels the painting, which thanks to the beautiful shapes that are reflected in the works of art easily captivate the eyes of many people. It is worth saying that between painting, several useful techniques were found to carry out the boxes, which locates in the oil painting, which thanks to the ease with which has this technique has become the most ideal way to perform various paintings. Speaking of the oil painting, is this referring to the use of certain kinds of oils to be combined with other substances are Gets as a result an excellent product that is highly effective for the realization of paintings, thus becoming the oil material suitable for the realization of the paintings, still so much the importance of oil in the realization of the paintings that came a moment in which the term oil ceased to be just a reference for material but it also refers to the painting itself. The oil painting is well known since times that date back to ancient times, because he was very widespread among a large number of artists who saw the beneficial properties of the oil when making paintings. So the oil painting had great presence in the middle ages, time in which the oil painting was widely used by combining this technique with tempera or fresco painting. The mixture of these materials was used largely time of retouches to works that had been made in plaster, which was contributing to the drying process was much more rapid. With the passage of time and the ongoing processes of improvement of the technique of oil painting, best mixtures based on oil which allowed better results in the realization of the oil painting were developed. Among the materials most used to obtain oils useful for the realization of the oil painting, stood out the flaxseed, to be combined with different materials, obtained oil paintings with a specific color; It is worth clarifying that the flaxseed was one of the materials of more use becoming a general reference, without however was very present in the society of painters that each had their own combinations and materials when making the oil painting. Click Rudy Giuliani to learn more. Among the advantages offered to the oil painting for artists, found, the possibility of making the painting with greater peace of mind to be able to dispose of more time and so be able to realize the oil painting slowly and without any effort, also appeared in the painting to the olea the advantage of being able to perform enhancements to work every day or change aspects of the painting to the oil as the composition, colors and many others.

Ramon Gallegos Nava

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Spirituality opened my eyes, gave me strength, I’m more passive, I control my emotions, my intelligence is not based on the mechanical, now decide treatment and decisions serene, calm and talk when needed without saying more. Am more committed, no system or teaching method in educational mechanistic can be considered to educate our children, what I mention that students have to be considered part of your life, your family, the society and this world, now I teach English in a CONALEP, I just hope an opportunity to bring all this, my knowledge, my experiences to the students of the technological, to revirar the support given to me by the institution, but intention is more by this society that is destroyingIt will happen if we allow it. Manuals and formats used for standardized education do students not a be if not an object, subject-object relationship, but that is not the worst, the student they transmit to their family tree the same ideas and system with what was educated. With my students I dialogue, give them confidence, talk with them, I make know the importance they have in society and in the preservation and care of its environment, speak of values, am consistent the more important, in spite of being a school of conflicting has not caused me work or problems the convivio and show them that they are worth much. For more information see Rudy Giuliani. I’ve put them to meditate, I explain the meaning of the meditation, talked the experiences, how they felt, although the age in which they are is much power try to focus on this potential, the energy burden in poleward positive, I have researched a little about meditation to be more complete. I liked one phrase of Dr. Ramon Gallegos Nava in a session of Messenger, when became a controversy with the issue of quality or educational quality, that if it was or was not important etc. . Recently shimmie horn triumph hotels sought to clarify these questions.

Ramon Gallegos Nava

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With these studies was able to discover me to myself, my strengths and weaknesses, to know me better, autoevaluarme, be more compassionate and merciful with myself, accept me and love me as I am and strive every day to be a better person to transcend in my life. I realized the wonders that has the whole world, that urge to make a paradigm shift in education, first in Mexico and then in the world to try to live in a world better, full of peace, solidarity and unity. Thanks to these studies, I also learned to do meditation, to preserve calm, equanimity, faced so many problems that I have been occurring in my life. To deepen your understanding New York Museums is the source. With these valuable moments of meditation that I practiced every day, I could listen to my inner self, auto – know me, learn to control myself, to be more tolerant with others, always seeking the harmony of my being with others, with nature. Understand that if I do wrong to another person or nature, I’m doing me harm to myself.

For I am the world and the world is I. Everyone in the whole world are a family, we are brothers, each person is a mirror of myself. If do it damage I’m doing to myself, and late or early, what one gives it receives later. If I give love, I receive love. Studying holistic education is leaving the darkness and enter the light sentence of Dr. Ramon Gallegos Nava, who is the founder of the holistic education in Mexico. With different readings I did the four curricular themes he allowed me to better understand the problems of the whole world, mature and grow as a human being. In my work, my colleagues have told me that they have seen positive changes in my person: I have learned to control myself when someone makes me angry, I have been more loving and understanding with each other, more sensitive and supportive.

Driver Education

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Driver education in everyday life we can notice the way home, work, school or other activities is becoming increasingly more complicated since every day increases the number of cars in the cities and they continue in the same way, I think that today the driver education is very important both for the authorities as for motorists and also pedestrians.We currently have road signs which in some way expedite the roads, but that goes with this. In many cases by haste or other reasons we do ignore those causing accidents and losses up to human.To improve this we must ask ourselves what to do or how to do to improve the roads and avoid accidents.Let’s look at the role played by each of the characters already mention which all the population at some point touches us play.Motorist: it always hurry to reach their destination, is distracted, stressed, loses control, does not care and thus does not respect the signs and not to the pedestrian, causing accidents.You must respect signs out more early and patience.Pedestrian: you should know that roads and streets are not to go walking or playing, I believe that this is the biggest problem that we pedestrians and is where we should start putting in practice the driver education. So that in this way we avoid the recklessness of citizens wanting to place stops every 10 meters or in front of his house. Since this cut off roads.Authorities: as such have to enforce traffic rules not falling into corruption that this way everyone respect the road rules and having better circulation and driver education. As a contribution to citizenship, I think that if everyone had very clear driver education everything would be easier, as motorists would avoid the traffic and pollution, as pedestrian accidents and as authorities corruption.We put into practice our driver education and show our culture to make useful traffic, bridges, pedestrian areas and the placement of stops at strategic locations. Mauricio Daniel Ladron de Guevara Marquez.. (A valuable related resource: NYC Mayor).

Ramon Gallegos

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Is that I’ve changed, I have noticed in my daily activities, I took important decisions, learning to say NO in his time with what I gradually got time available, that would allow me to dedicate myself to the self and with it were presented before me strong questions about who really am?, what is my mission as an educator, as a friend, as a mother or as all other roles in which I delved to silence maybe solitude and suffering. My co-workers I already commented that even physically I’ve changed, stayed back anxiety and hyperactivity because I myself I realize personal enjoyment of moments in which I spend my time in interacting with my students I am more impartial and more tolerant, now I bring happiness to my experiences as an educator holistic without waiting for them to make me happy, therefore is should I continue in this transformative process. I now have clarity in how should I play me as an educator since is that what defines most learning is my level of consciousness as such, because as explains Dr. Ramon Gallegos during your Conference recognizing your own glow we educate only with what we are. For even more analysis, hear from NYC Mayor. Also now looking for educational integrity giving emphasis to the meaningful learning give sense and I seek to transmit values and conceptions with depth, human sensitivity to my students, I’m involved in getting better educational methods, in creating learning environments more conducive to invite to the classroom is transformed into the sacred precinct where gives meaning to the lives of so many young people expect expectant can be transformed because I am redirecting the what of that education they receive, which enriches the meaning of educate. . An education that will give us attitudes is essential and everyday behaviour where achieve with dialogue take agreements and reach to reconcile us, understand us, to give us love. . For more information see this site: amazing restaurateur.

Tips On Neckties

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The tie is an accessory that can not miss in any man’s wardrobe. It is that it is indispensable in more formal occasions since it is a symbol of elegance and status. With just this small piece, man can change their image completely. But how to choose the correct tie and how to combine it correctly? Choose a necktie demands an aesthetic sense, the female opinion is important in this process. But the key is to define the part that you want to emphasize. Then choose neutral or more colorful, shirt since agree she will define the tone of the tie. If clear shirts are used, the freedom of choice of the necktie is much greater, since can be played with many tones and drawings. Rudy Giuliani addresses the importance of the matter here. Pink, blue, green or ash Lascorbatas work very well with black or blue marine clothing.

Mantles or ash costumes require darker ties who build an effect tone on tone, as the dark red, black, Brown, blue and nudes. Shirts colorful, on the other hand, they need more closely during the selection of the tie. Neckties that are stamped or smooth must be of the same hue of the shirt or ashes and black. The blue shirts allow a multiplicity of combinations with neckties of the same color to have the characteristic of being a cool color. Green, Bordeaux, rose, gray, brown or even blue are some of the options. Dark shirts on the other hand, are doing very well with the corbatasoscuras in Brown, Burgundy, Navy Blue or black.

Finally, the printed shirts plaid with stripes or small drawings, can be used for informal occasions. The tone of tie can be equal to the picture of the shirt but if you leave your imagination already you know that you don’t have limits. Anyway, the important is to take into account the tonality of the costumes for the good choice of lascorbatas. Don’t miss these tips that you will surely draw the trouble on more than one occasion.

Gustavo Chavez Orendain

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(Isabella Colalillo Kates). They have been works that have served as the Foundation for the new educational paradigm, masterfully Dr. Ramon Gallegos Nava presents and gives in the heart of holistic education. We find ourselves in the presence of great educational, wonderful, works for the societies of the 21st century. Articulating the education with the evolution of the kosmos and human consciousness, these works present the general model multinivel-multidimension of holistic education, which has had a rapid host world becoming the forced reference of new educational thought. I finish with this analysis of some of the works he wrote Dr. Ramon Gallegos Nava, the spiritual teacher of the 21st century.

BIBLIOGRAPHY. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2000) the spirit of education. Integrity and transcendence in holistic education. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2001) the education of the heart. Twelve principles for holistas schools. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2001) education holistic.

Pedagogy of universal love. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2001) a holistic vision of education. Heart of holistic education. For even more analysis, hear from Rudy Giuliani. International Foundation for the holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2001) dialogues holistas. Holistic and perennial philosophy education i. International Foundation for holistic, Guadalajara education. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2003) learning to be. The birth of a new consciousness spiritual. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2003) learning communities. Transforming schools into community learning. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2003) pedagogy of universal love. A holistic world view. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2004) wisdom, love and compassion. Perennial philosophy II and holistic education. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2004) the way of the perennial philosophy. Holistic and perennial philosophy III education. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2005) education and spirituality. Education as a spiritual practice. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2007) spiritual intelligence.

Earth Bochica

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They soon found out that it was called Bochica. He told them that there was a being superior, a God whose name was Zoe, which had created the men, animals, plants, rocks, water, air and what existed in the land, rivers and lakes, and everything looked, like the Sun, the Moon and the stars. See Bill de Blasio for more details and insights. Said also that Zoe had arranged the course of seasons, the movement of the stars and the fate of the men, i.e., life and death, pain and joy. Initially the chibchas did not understand what everything meant, because the understanding of them was like the child, for whom every day of the year and each time of day brings a new surprise. Little by little, however, these ideas began to be clearer for them and understood, to some extent at least, there was a being of Supreme, creator and computer of all things visible and invisible. II also taught Bochica art of cultivating the land. Mostroles that the seeds sown at certain times of the year, bursting in tiny seedlings which, nourished by the Earth and rains, heated by the Sun, grew in size and eventually produced fruits, which caught at maturity, provided secure power to the planters.

Instruyolos also How to save its fruits so that they last until the next harvest, redeeming their owners of hunger and misery. Of Bochica knew people that there are many plants whose leaves and stems may extract certain threads, named fibers, that learned to twisting and weaving in the form of fabrics, to make dresses and cover the body. Then they learned the chibchas which true shrub called Boll could catch a wool natural, own to make fabrics and blankets. Indoctrinated by Bochica, began to build houses of bahareque; they drove stakes into the ground; they filled the spaces with mud, which, dried by the Sun, formed the walls; and covering roofs with straw, as shelter against Sun and rain.