Werneck Sodr initiates its analysis, looking for to focar the Brazilian bourgeoisie; with a theoretical quarrel, it searchs to point the difficulty in if thinking Brazil of original and efficient form. Sodr considers that the main difficulty for the study of the Brazilian bourgeoisie is conceptual. Therefore the concepts appear at times and definitive places and are inadequate have other times, places, other histories. Sodr affirms that while will not have new concepts, the use of the old ones becomes necessary, but it points the necessity of new concepts, for the knowledge of differentiated realities. Therefore in its history of the bourgeoisie it looks for to make a conceptual quarrel that distinguished the job from the marxist concepts in differentiated realities. In its considered book pioneering, it admits the existence of imperfections, however it searchs to make an interpretation, therefore its desire was to know the paper of the national bourgeoisie in the Brazilian revolution; a scientific study and increase time directed toward the changes of Brazil. When working the discovery of Brazil, it it points out in the context of transistion of the feudalismo to the capitalism in the Europe. The production relations still were predominantly feudal; although it had to transform.
Sodr affirms that ' was one; ' feudal society that discovered the Brasil' '. In Brazil the way of escravista production predominated; a specific, modern escravismo and not-classic. Thus we notice a colonial expansion daily pay-capitalist coexisting with the feudalismo; a relation of feudal production that had coexisted and occurred to the escravismo. In 1945 the history of Brazil will suffer to radicals reinterpretaes in some trends. The predominant subject was to the changes, the transistion of the society based on the agrarian capitalism for the society based on the industrial capitalism and the characterized Brazilian revolution as bourgeois. An analysis of interpretation of Brazil after II the War, the fall of Vargas, the ascension of the Ussr and the United States.