Fiber Optic Reinterpreted

The oesterr. Artist Friedrich Biedermann exhibits Biedermann Zumtobel light Forum in Dornbirn from 14 October to 6 November. From 14 October to 6th November 2009, the “Displacer” Austrian artist Friedrich Biedermann exhibition takes place in the company Zumtobel, Dornbirn light Forum. In an exciting installation, the artist deals with fiber optic technology. For the opening of the exhibition on October 13, 2009 Professor Dr. Peter Weibel will speak after a welcome by the Zumtobel Marketing Communications Director, Herbert Resch, the Centre for art and media technology (ZKM) in Karlsruhe, Germany.

Baker returns with his installation of displacer”deliberately to the function of fiber optic cables. He installed to get the fiber not to take pictures, but on the contrary, he created has equipment which in turn penetrates into spaces, there to distribute images. Thus he another feature of this material absorbs, namely its use in the distribution of digital data. Are central elements of current global data networks, fiber optic cables as to the basic part of an apparatus that allows the artist to produce a highly complex spatial situation. Zumtobel has supported the installation with the required light generators / optics and adopted a technical consultative role in the implementation. The Dornbirn light Forum has launched an attractive discourse to the theme of light and company with this exhibition again. A visit to the exhibition is 17: 00 on weekdays between 9 by appointment possible.